Our December newsletter is out now! Read an excerpt below and check the rest out on our website.
What a wonderful month December is. It is a time for giving, sharing special thoughts, feelings
and good times with friends and family. It is a time to reflect on memories and think back on the
good times that we have shared with others. We renew hopes and appreciate the problems we’ve
had over the past year, as we’ve hopefully grown from them. We extend ourselves to others as
we share and show kindness to those around us. It is a time to give thanks and celebrate the birth
of the Christ Child!
Through our modeling, children learn to be kind to others, seek friendships, and understand the
importance of love. They begin to understand the connections that make life itself so valuable.
We teach children to respect each other and their cultural differences. We teach children that
they are important and they make a difference, as the birth of Christ has made a difference in our
When we teach children about Christ and His word, caring for others, and the importance of
respect, we foster a positive self-concept and cooperative behaviors. We help to create a
generation of caring, concerned adults who strengthen the positive behaviors among people.
Through our Christian and Academic curriculum, staff will encourage our children to be the best
they can be. We are developing a bond of love and thus strengthening the faith and trust in
others. Our bond together, in our role as parents, grandparents or teachers, is like building a fire
that is strong and bright.
May the wonder of the birth of the Christ Child and the spirit of the holiday season continue
throughout the year!
Merry Christmas!
Vivian Munro